blogging for the day, but I want everyone to know what a wonderful man I married. I never acknowledge that enough, especially to him. But I know that I am truly fortunate to have found this incredible man to spend the rest of my life with. Of course I get frustrated at times because of miscommunication and misunderstanding and well because I'm a big gigantic emotional sensitive baby, but he's wonderful.
He has an incredible abundance of patience with me. More than anyone ever has and the good Lord knows I need that. He loves kids and dogs and what's even better is that he allowed me to bring so many home (dogs). He is soft spoken and that is actually what I love BEST about him. He never ever ever raises his voice. I adore that! What's funny is that when we first met I remember being incredibly surprised at how calm and level headed he was, how his voice never changes and how hard it was for me to determine his tone. I love it when people ask me if he ever gets angry because of course he does! Most just don't recognize it because he's so quiet and calm. And I actually love it when he IS pissed off (as long as it's not at me) because it's cute. Half the time you can't even hear anything he's saying, especially on the phone with customer service at whatever company screwed us over, unless you're sitting RIGHT next to him. Even then you would never never know by his tone, just by the words that come out. :-) And yet we ALWAYS get our way.
He's not incredibly romantic, but he does everything he possibly can to support me, encourage me and provide for me. He's helped me loosen up and realize that life is short and I should enjoy it. I have a hard time saying no and standing up to people and he gives me courage to say no and comes to my rescue if I can't handle a sticky situation. He patiently and calmly lets me know when I'm slacking around the house and never loses his patience or temper with me. He actually does more around the house than any man I've ever known. He does the dishes and the laundry and even though he may be frustrated because I have so much more time to do it than he does, he never makes me feel 2 inches high for not doing it. He encourages my creative ventures. He's never once complained about assuming responsibility for our finances. He pets Dolce :-) even plays with him sometimes! He LOVES his nieces and nephews.
He has the most incredible lips and eyes. He laughs at and tolerates my many many blond moments and tells me that I'm amazing. He's silly and serious and adorable and he just gets me. I have never been so free to be myself.
Oh my gosh I could continue this forever.
Sometimes I'm so incredibly overwhelmed by how much I love him. Sometimes my heart aches because I just can't get enough and the tears flow from the fullness of my heart. Sometimes I miss him even when he's sitting by me.
I never realized how blessed I would be in my marriage and how incredibly amazing one man could make me feel.
I don't think he realizes just how deeply I miss him when I'm not with him.
How did this good ole' Oklahoma girl score such an amazing guy?
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