Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I will be opening an etsy shop soon! As soon as I can come up with a cute catchy name for it. :-)

I have a few things ready to go and will also take special orders.

This will be mostly baby/toddler items, mostly girly :).

Some of the items I will have listed: (NO knitting, it takes way too long)
Flower and Ribbon headbands

Baby Bracelets

Binky Clips


I'm thinking maybe burp cloths and nursing covers if I have time.
Maybe a knitted kids hat if I like you and have time. :-)

Name possibilities: (I'll probably go with none of them)
Sunshine Baby Treasures
Butterfly Kisses Boutique
Maya's Memories

I'm not very good at coming up with creative catchy names. I'd love input.

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