Thursday, November 13, 2008

Knitting Stuff

K, the pictures loaded backwards.

This is just a close up of something I'm currently making for a friend, so just in case she actually checks this I'm not posting the entire thing until it is completed and delivered. :)

I found this turkey hat pattern yesterday and just had to make this for my friends baby. So I bought the 2 colors I didn't have and went home and made it last night! Isn't that just hysterical?? I can't wait to see it on the baby :-)

Mike is big into hunting so these are 2 different hats that I made for him, my own pattern. The ribbed part is actually folded and knitted together with the CO stitches so that it stays.


Liz said...

omg! SO CUTE! =) i loooove the turkey - that's hilarious!

Erin said...

Wow, Sylvia!!! I"m so impressed with you knitting!! And I LOVE the turkey hat! So cute!!!!!

fOx bLoG said...


Sylvia - Mommy said...

THANKS!!!!! lol It still cracks me up :-)